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Our Pastor

Rev. Walter E. Sterling

I greet you with grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. I am thankful to God to serve as the Pastor of Praise and Worship Outreach Tabernacle. My Great Commission is to win souls for Christ, by the leading of the Holy Spirit. “He that winneth souls is wise” Pro. 11:30. It is my sincere desire to aid in the spiritual growth, and development of the believers.

Several years ago the Lord impressed upon my spirit the importance of a teaching ministry equipping, building up and perfecting the body of Christ. “For the work of the ministry and edifying of the body of Christ” Eph. 4:12.

For Praise and Worship Outreach Tabernacle we serve in a supportive role to a true ministry. It’s an informal vehicle that will help elevate the Christian Community to a place of spiritual maturity.

Praise and Worship Outreach Tabernacle is a realized vision of God, exerting His power and manifesting His glory during these last days. Through His word, “We are created in Christ Jesus to do good work” Eph. 2:10. As we join our faith together to be used of God to accomplish His purpose. I passionately believe that God’s exceeding greatness will be manifest in your life now and always.

May God bless you.

God’s Humble Servant

Rev. Walter E. Sterling